What’s up?

…well, other than the mercury, not too much this week. We’re having a real steamer this week, I’m not looking forward to it, I can tell you. I’m pretty sure I could bake bread in my studio so I’ll be avoiding it for the next few days.

I do have a few auctions running at the moment though, here’s a peek:

” Black Tulip”

If no one bids on this one and I am forced to keep it, I gotta say, I won’t  be too disappointed, it’s a beauty :O)

“Forest Spirit”


I mentioned  in my newletter that our old car was falling apart and we made the monumental decision to buy a brand new car, neither of us has ever owned a new car before so it was a scary decision, but we’re both tired of playing the, “I really hope this car isn’t a total piece of shit” game every time we have to buy a used one.

We wanted a small car which gets great mileage, something that is as environmentally-friendly as we  could get (I know, there’s really no such thing when your talking about a car, but we made an effort!). So we ended up buying a Renault Twingo, I’m not sure if they are available in the US but they are fairly popular over here. Here it is…

It’s hard to tell from pictures but it’s a tiny car, although the way it’s designed, it feels much bigger than cars that actually are bigger than it is, I guess it’s kind of like the Tardis effect :O)

Anyway, I LOVE this car, here’s hoping I can still say that in 10 years.

~ by lavendercreek on June 28, 2010.

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