What’s Up?

Quite a bit actually happy

First of all a tutorial update. I’ve got it written and have handed it over to Peer who will do all the difficult stuff like wading through all my spelling and grammar mistakes, correcting them and then making it all look fantastic and professional, he’s so good at it. We hope to have it ready latest next week sometime, I’m secretly shooting for this weekend but we’ll see. Anyway, it’s coming along nicely.

Peer and I enjoyed our 3 week vacation. We didn’t do anything too exciting but sometimes that’s just what is needed on a vacation. We just took it easy, got some stuff done around the house, did some shopping, took a few nice walks in the hills around our house, slept in late, stayed up late, just boring stuff like that ;O)

He had to go back to work on Monday…I felt sorry for him, it’s always so hard going back to work.

Over the weekend Peer switched my computer from Windows to Linux. I’m now running Ubuntu. I really like it! The only problem now is becoming familiar with all the new software like for instance switching from Photoshop to Gimp as my photo editor. They are similar but different, I’ve got photos that I’m slowly editing and hopefully will have them ready in a few days so I can get some auctions up! But… I’ve also got to learn a new html software which I need for putting my auctions together and also for updating my website. It will be a few days before I get that all figured out so for now all my updates will go here. Having to learn new computer stuff is kind of a pain but definitely worth it in the long run.

Other stuff that’s going on but not glass related…

I’ve started playing the guitar again. I use to play about 20 years ago but dropped it somewhere along the line when Life became more complex. I can’t read music and never took proper lessons but I loved to play none the less. Peer is very musically talented. He studied classical guitar in school and has played one instrument or another as long as I’ve known him. He recently took up the tin whistle which sparked my desire to pick up the guitar again. I’m basically having to learn all over again but I’m enjoying it


Some of you probably know that we are both vegan, or rather, since we do eat honey, I guess we’re what you might call bee-gan…(was that lame? lol). Anyway, recently I decided to kick things up a notch so I joined a 100 day raw food challenge, basically the object is to eat as much natural, uncooked food as you can. 100% raw is optimal but no way I can do 100% raw right now, I love beans and grains too much, but I’m doing about 80% which I’m happy with. I eat raw all day and then if I’m going to eat cooked I eat it at dinner time with Peer since he isn’t doing this with me. I can tell you that in the beginning it can be a real challenge but I can also tell you that I feel fantastic when I eat this way. Summer is also the perfect time to be doing this. Anyway, if this might be something you’d also be interested in trying there is naturally a forum devoted to raw food and which runs these challenges. They’re a very supportive and fun group of people

Kind of as a direct result of the raw food (since I have so much more energy) I’ve also started doing yoga. These things seem to fit together quite naturally and the one seems to just naturally lead one to the other. There are some great yoga sites around the web, many which offer free video taped yoga classes. One that I like is Yoga Today

Well, that’s about it for this update. I do hope to have these auctions put together in just a few days, I’ll keep you posted.

~ by lavendercreek on May 6, 2009.

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